"Thoughtful, honest,
and in my opinion, a realistic insight into the many different faces of autism."
"It was a great conversation starter!"

"The movie was absolutely incredible and eye opening."
"I even went home and told my husband he needs to watch the movie as soon as it’s released."
IN A DIFFERENT KEY can be licensed for one-time screenings hosted by community partners. These include schools, advocacy organizations, businesses and others. Please contact us if your group would be interested in becoming a host for your community.

Partners who have joined with us (see below) are experiencing the impact, especially in the conversations that follow with self-advocates, elected officials, law enforcement officers, educators, health care professionals and parents.
All have seen the film start conversations that strengthen the sense of community that is so central to accepting and supporting people on the spectrum.
Our team provides template graphics for tickets and invitations

Join our growing community of screening partners